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Ellie 8 Month Portraits >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

Whew! trying to get caught up on some blog post from the past month or so and I wanted to share this sweet baby session tonight. Baby Ellie is 8 months old and she is a completely adorable smiley little princess. I had so much fun with this sweet family again! Enjoy Lezatte family! 2014-06-02_00172014-06-02_00182014-06-02_00192014-06-02_00202014-06-02_00212014-06-02_00222014-06-02_0023



Ryan 6 Month Portraits >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

I love to photograph 6 month olds. It is just such a great time to document how much they’ve changed since their newborn days. They are usually sitting up but not crawling yet so they can’t get away :). My favorite things are that they are full of personality and smiles and always have the best little baby pudginess. This 6 month session was no exception. Ryan was the sweetest little thing and this family made my job so easy. It’s pretty clear how smitten Mama+ Daddy are with this little guy and the feeling is totally mutual! Happy 6 months Ryan! 2014-05-04_00192014-05-04_00202014-05-04_00212014-05-04_00222014-05-04_00232014-05-04_00242014-05-04_0025



Caleb 1 Year Portraits >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

I cannot believe that this little guy just turned one! He was actually my very first newborn. I got to photograph his birth, then his newborn session, Christmas pictures and now his 1 year photos. He has the sweetest Momma + Daddy and he is also going to be a big brother in August! I know this little guys has brought so much joy to his family and I am so blessed to have been able to photograph them this year. Looking forward to meeting little sis in the next few months and spending more time with this wonderful family. Happy Birthday Caleb! 2014-05-04_00012014-05-04_00022014-05-04_00032014-05-04_00042014-05-04_00052014-05-04_00062014-05-04_00072014-05-04_00082014-05-04_0009



Thress Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

A few weeks ago I got to photograph this sweet family. Jodi and I met through Open Heart Doula and I can’t wait to work with her next month at an upcoming birth! This little cutie was a tough nut to crack but we finally got some sweet smiles out of her! :) I had a great time with you guys! Blessings to you Thress Family!2014-05-04_00262014-05-04_00272014-05-04_00282014-05-04_00292014-05-04_00302014-05-04_0031



Samuel 1 Year >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

Last week we had beautiful weather to celebrate little Samuel with a one year session. This family is so special to me because I was honored to photograph their birth last year. Fast forward to now and I cannot believe it has been a whole year! Samuel is such a sweet + happy baby and his big sister is so loving with him. I had a great time as always catching up with this wonderful family! Happy Birthday Samuel! 2014-04-30_00012014-04-30_00022014-04-30_00032014-04-30_00042014-04-30_00052014-04-30_00062014-04-30_00072014-04-30_00082014-04-30_00092014-04-30_0010



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Super Beck >>> Knoxville Child Photographer

This is quite possibly my favorite session ever and BONUS! it is of my own son! He turned 4 last week (which I cannot believe) and told me he wanted a super hero birthday party. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, I knew we had to do this shoot together. He doesn’t exactly love the camera, it’s a photographer’s child thing, so I was over the moon at how much fun he was having and how much he was totally working it for me. I had a blast with him! He is truly such a special and wonderful child. I feel totally blessed to be his mama. It’s hard for me to believe he is already 4 years old. I remember the days of holding him and snuggling him when he was a newborn just like it was yesterday. Thankfully, he still lets me do that some but he is just growing up so fast. Children truly are such a blessing from the Lord and we are so thankful that God chose us to be parents to Beck. Happy 4th Birthday, baby. I love you. -Mommy


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Caroline 4 Month Portraits >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

I got to meet up with another one of my sweet newborn families recently and photograph their sweet family as they grow. Ms. Caroline is a doll baby and I have the best time getting to know her sweet mama more. Enjoy these sweet photos of little Caroline at 4 months old. See you again in a few months Hunt family! 2014-04-22_00012014-04-22_00042014-04-22_0002



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Williams Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

Recently I got to catch back up with one of my birth families for a family shoot. I seriously love this family. They are just so sweet to be around. Their kiddos are wonderful and they are just such a comfortable family to be with. I said this same thing when I shot their birth but it felt just like spending time with friends. It’s easy to see how much they love each other in the pictures and it was so fun to see how much baby S has grown! Great to see you again Williams family! 2014-04-14_00012014-04-14_00022014-04-14_0003

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Alcorn 6 Months >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

Holy. Moly. Get ready for one of the cutest babies you’ve ever seen. She was just the most adorable+happy+snuggly little thing. Not to mention her mama and daddy are completely smitten with her, but can you blame them? We had the most gorgeous spring day the day of our session.  I cannot wait to see her again in 6 months when she turns one! Enjoy these precious pictures of this wonderful family! Get ready to gush! 2014-04-07_00072014-04-07_00082014-04-07_00092014-04-07_00102014-04-07_00112014-04-07_00122014-04-07_00132014-04-07_00142014-04-07_00152014-04-07_00162014-04-07_0017

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Tutton Family >>> Knoxville Child Photographer

I loved this session. LOVED it. Our session had been postponed since last fall because every time we scheduled it, it rained or was below freezing! ha! Finally we got to meet up last week and we had the best time. I met these two lovely ladies last fall when I photographed some of their family members. Sydney came a long to help make her cousin laugh and Randi helped with the little guy when I photographed mom and dad. I was so excited when they contacted me afterwords to book a session of their own. I knew from the last session that Sydney was lots of fun and she didn’t disappoint! I felt like at this session we were able to capture the joy of childhood so well. Thanks Tutton family for being so fun! Enjoy these sweet images of your family!2014-03-25_00012014-03-25_00022014-03-25_00032014-03-25_00042014-03-25_00052014-03-25_00062014-03-25_00072014-03-25_0008


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Gandy Family >>> Knoxville Maternity Photographer

Last week I got to photograph this beautiful family for some 2 year portraits for big sister as well as some family and maternity shots of mama. Big sis was such a doll! This was my first session that felt like Spring is just around the corner. FINALLY!!! I can’t wait to see this family again in a few weeks when they welcome in their second little one. See you soon Gandy family! 2014-03-18_00012014-03-18_00022014-03-18_00032014-03-18_00042014-03-18_00052014-03-18_00062014-03-18_00072014-03-18_00082014-03-18_00092014-03-18_0010

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Atkins Maternity >>> Knoxville Maternity Photographer

I love getting to know new families! I have lots of new mommies coming up this spring and this was one of my first ones. It was so fun getting to know these guys at their maternity session and I can’t wait to meet their little bundle here in a few weeks! Enjoy this wonderful time Atkins family! 2014-03-16_00152014-03-16_00162014-03-16_00172014-03-16_00182014-03-16_0019


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Rice Newborn >>> Knoxville Lifestyle Newborn Photographer

Last year I got to meet this sweet family when I photographed them for the first time and we just really hit it off. Spending time photographing  them is just like spending time with old friends. As you can see through my lens, they are a precious family, and their newest little addition is the perfect piece to their family. After 3 little girls…a BOY! I’m pretty sure he’s going to be the most well taken care of little man on the planet, since he has three extra little mommies to help take care of him. Congratulations Rice family! Enjoy these sweet images of your wonderful family. 2014-03-16_00012014-03-16_00022014-03-16_00032014-03-16_00042014-03-16_00052014-03-16_00062014-03-16_00072014-03-16_00082014-03-16_00092014-03-16_00102014-03-16_0011

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