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The Metz Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

I love getting to meet and photograph new families and this one was one of my absolute favorites from this fall. They were just so much fun and so real at their session. They were just completely relaxed and having fun and being silly with me. One of my favorite parts of there session was that mom brought both the little one's favorite toy to document them with it. I just absolutely love that because to me that's what it's about, freezing these little moments, or quirks, or favorite things, because it just goes by way too fast. Thank you Metz family, for sharing this gorgeous afternoon with me and letting me get to know your family a bit!2015-01-12_00012015-01-12_00022015-01-12_00032015-01-12_00042015-01-12_00062015-01-12_00072015-01-12_00052015-01-12_00082015-01-12_0009






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Finding Beauty in Our Everyday >>> Knoxville Lifestyle Photographer

I love the start of a new year. It always feels like such an exciting time to me. A time where the past doesn't matter as much and what's ahead is key. It's just so nice to start fresh, to set out to accomplish new goals whether they be spiritual, physical or professional. I have some of each this year it seems. From a photography standpoint, I have lots of things I'd love to accomplish like to get in the frame more with my kids, learn to shoot film and do a project 365. A 365 is where you take 1 photograph every day for 1 year. Of course I can take more than one and most certainly will some days but the idea is to be in the habit of shooting daily and push myself creatively. Since I'm not totally sure I can complete a full 365, I'm doing a 100 day challenge to start and see where it goes from there. So far, I'm loving it and I think I'll keep it up but I just want to be sure I get to 100. Ha! The thing I  am loving the most about this project so far is that it is forcing me to see beauty in our everyday moments. I didn't really think there would be any kind of a theme to this project but I'm seeing that emerge after this first week and I would love for that to continue. The reason I first fell in love with photography was out of a desire to document the lives of my children and now as a professional it is so easy to lose sight of that when I am super busy with client work. So, it feels so great to get back to some basics while creating some images that I know I will always treasure. The first day, new years day, I took a portrait of each of my 3. Then each day after I just took one. Ellie getting her t-guard on to stop sucking her fingers, the next day playing with Daddy, taking down the tree, my little 3rd sickie drooling up a storm and Beck checking out the first snow of the year this morning. I hope you accomplish all your goals you've set out for yourselves this year! Thanks for looking! 2015-01-07_00012015-01-07_00022015-01-07_0003



2014 in Review >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

Since today is the last day of 2014 I wanted to do a post compiling some of my favorites from client sessions this past year. What an amazing year this has been! I am so thankful to have had 80 sessions this year with 51 individual families. I had originally intended to do a post of each type of session I do but ran out of time so none of my maternity clients are featured here but you can see them here in a post I did on Monday. Thank you all so much for allowing me to come into your homes, get to know you a bit, and capture these beautiful memories for each of you to treasure for a lifetime. I love my job and it's because of you all that I am able to do it. I almost get emotional looking at all these photos because I know that each and every one is a real story of love and family. Thank you again for trusting me with your memories! I know this is LONG but I just couldn't pick a few favorites! Enjoy! 2014-12-31_00122014-12-31_00132014-12-31_00342014-12-31_00352014-12-31_00362014-12-31_00372014-12-31_00382014-12-31_00392014-12-31_00402014-12-31_00412014-12-31_00422014-12-31_00182014-12-31_00212014-12-31_00222014-12-31_00232014-12-31_00242014-12-31_00252014-12-31_00262014-12-31_00272014-12-31_00282014-12-31_00292014-12-31_00302014-12-31_00312014-12-31_00322014-12-31_0033


And here's one more for good measure with one from each and every session I did this year! Thanks so much for being a part of it and I can't wait to see you in the new year!





Baby's first Christmas >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

I love Christmas time and children just make the season even sweeter. There's nothing quite like celebrating your first Christmas with your first baby. I love that we got to do part of this family's 6 month session at the tree farm and part of it at their home in their PJ's. :) Enjoy this wonderful season celebrating the birth of our Savior with your sweet little one's! Merry Christmas! 2014-12-23_00012014-12-23_00022014-12-23_00032014-12-23_00042014-12-23_00052014-12-23_00062014-12-23_00072014-12-23_0008



Ellie is 3 >>> Knoxville Child Photographer

I can't even believe that this past Sunday we celebrated my little Ellie's 3rd Birthday. We are so blessed to have her in our family. She is for sure my spunky, free-spirited, loving-you-to-pieces, encouraging, child. So, since we just celebrated her birthday I wanted to share some of my favorite images of her over the past year. I hope you enjoy these as much as I did going through them! The first few images are from Saturday night when I took her out for her own little session. She clearly had a good time! 2014-12-16_00012014-12-16_00022014-12-16_00032014-12-16_00042014-12-16_00052014-12-16_00062014-12-16_00072014-12-16_00082014-12-16_00092014-12-16_00102014-12-16_00112014-12-16_00122014-12-16_00132014-12-16_0014




Wise Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

I am so excited to share this awesome family session with you tonight. I feel so blessed to say that these are some of our very best friends and such an amazing and wonderful family! We truly love them so much! Recently, they finalized the adoption of their second child, so of course we had to do some official family photos to mark the occasion. We love you guys and are so happy for you! Congrats Wise family! Love ya'll! 2014-12-15_00012014-12-15_00022014-12-15_00032014-12-15_00042014-12-15_00052014-12-15_00062014-12-15_00072014-12-15_00082014-12-15_00092014-12-15_00102014-12-15_00112014-12-15_0012



Bucco Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

I love fall for so many reasons and one of those is that I get to spend a lot of my time working with families. I've been so fortunate this year to visit again with past clients and I've been able to meet lots of new ones as well. I had such a great time meeting and working with this beautiful family this fall. They were so fun + comfortable to photograph on a gorgeous fall afternoon and I love how their session flowed so naturally. Thank you guys for being so wonderful to hang out with! 2014-12-09_00012014-12-09_00022014-12-09_00032014-12-09_00042014-12-09_00052014-12-09_00062014-12-09_0007



Shields Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

So, this is sort of an emotional post for me because it's my very best friend in the world and her family that are featured on the blog tonight. Emotional because here in just a few short weeks, they are moving to Japan for a year. I am so incredibly excited for them but also so terribly sad to see them go. She is my bestie, my Jonathan. I seriously feel so incredibly blessed to have been given this gift of friendship with her for the past almost 20 years (goo!).  Even our kiddos are best buds. January is going to be a tearful month for me for sure. So, on to the pictures...If you know this family, you love them. I was so excited to do some fun family portraits for them downtown before they leave. I'm gonna miss you guys like crazy, Shields fam! Love ya'll! 2014-12-07_00012014-12-07_00022014-12-07_00032014-12-07_00042014-12-07_00052014-12-07_00062014-12-07_00072014-12-07_00082014-12-07_00092014-12-07_0010
