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When my heart is overwhelmed >>> Mamarazzi

"From the end of the earth I will cry to You, When my heart is overwhelmed; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I." Psalm 61.2 This is totally my verse right now. I feel like I cry out this verse to God all day long. Motherhood is beautiful and it's wonderful but it is also tiring and overwhelming. I feel overwhelmed on a daily basis but I am reminded through God's word that He is so much more than I am and can carry this heavy load for me. "Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved." Psalm 55:22. Today as I was snuggling my littlest one before his nap, my heart felt overwhelmed but in the best way possible. Not in the 50,000-disasters-happening-all-at-once kind of way but in the I-can't-believe-I-get-to-be-your-mom-I-love-you-more-than-anything-ever kind of way. And in that moment, my mind when right to that verse that I cry out all the day long and I said "Lord, My heart is overwhelmed right now, with your goodness." and I praised the Rock who is higher than I. I am so thankful for this gift of motherhood. And thankfully God gives us these little moments to realize what a blessing it truly is. Now to some photos that really have nothing to do with what I was talking about before. Ha! I just had that on my heart and wanted to share with the mamas. :) Yesterday we went on a little day trip to Cades Cove and had the best time as a family. My kids LOVE to be outside and enjoying God's creation so this really hit the spot for us. It was so nice to leave the to-do list at home and just unplug for the day together wandering, exploring and getting our feet wet. I hope you have a great weekend with your family!




Atkins 1 Year >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

Every time I have photographed this family has been magic. They just love each other so much. It's so easy to get those beautiful natural connections with them in their photographs because it's just who they are! I loved getting to photograph this sweet baby girl throughout her first year. It has been so fun to see her grow and get to hang out with her awesome family. Enjoy this family's sweet one year session with their girl. 2015-05-07_00012015-05-07_00022015-05-02_00012015-05-07_00032015-05-07_00042015-05-07_00062015-05-07_00052015-05-07_00132015-05-07_00122015-05-07_00112015-05-07_00102015-05-07_00092015-05-07_00082015-05-07_00072015-05-07_00142015-05-07_0015



Mustaleski Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

I am always honored to photograph another photographer but I was especially excited to photograph Rebekah and her family because she photographed the birth of my last baby and I will cherish those images forever so naturally I wanted to give her something she treasures like I do my birth photographs. I knew going into her session that I was going to love her family. And she just "gets me" and what I love to do most, which is photographing families in a more natural and relaxed way. She told me before her session that she wanted their session to be a glimpse of who they are and how they interact as a family. I think we accomplished that and let me just say that I just love who you guys are as a family! Enjoy! <3 2015-05-06_00012015-05-06_00022015-05-06_00032015-05-06_00042015-05-06_00052015-05-06_00062015-05-06_00072015-05-06_00082015-05-06_00092015-05-06_00102015-05-06_00112015-05-06_00122015-05-06_00132015-05-06_00142015-05-06_00152015-05-06_00162015-05-06_0017



Beck is 5 >>> Knoxville Child Photographer

I really can't even believe I'm typing this blog post right now. My biggest little is 5. I'm not even sure how that happened. I will never forget the way I felt when I first had him. I remember everyone telling me that when you have your first child you will instantly feel love like you've never felt before. And, although I did instantly love him like crazy, that fierce incredible love that everyone told me about kind of washed over me like a wave those first few days. I'll never forget holding him in those early days and just being in complete disbelief that he was mine. That God allowed me to experience this precious thing called motherhood. It made me so different. I began to see so many things differently. Especially the love that God has for us. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that you would not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16. That verse really did come alive to me after having a child because I new so much more intimately how special Jesus was to God, but still He gave His life for me and you. I am so thankful for the gift of motherhood. It is certainly the hardest and least glamorous thing I have ever done but also the most rewarding and significant. My children are my greatest treasures. I am so glad that God chose to give me Beck first. It has been so wonderful to watch him grow and see how God is working in his life. He is all boy. Loves to be outside, get dirty, climb trees, hunt bugs. He is so sweet and gently with Reid and fiercely protective over him. He and Ellie are great buds too. I see him beginning to be a leader for them and he is so proud to take on new responsibilities. This year I saw him growing away from being such a little boy. I could start bawling right now just thinking about how he's grown, but I'm so glad I get to be with him every day and enjoy these little years. I say it all the time but it's so true... the days are long but the years are short. Happy Birthday baby.      Love, Mommy


I wanted to share some of my favorite personal images of Beck over this past year. Enjoy!




Lezatte Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

I loved getting to photograph this family again. Their girls are always so much fun! We had the most beautiful spring morning for our session a couple of weeks ago. Can't wait to see you guys again in the fall! Enjoy these sweet pictures of this adorable family. :) 2015-04-18_00092015-04-18_00102015-04-18_00112015-04-18_00122015-04-18_00132015-04-18_00142015-04-18_00152015-04-18_00162015-04-18_00172015-04-18_0018



Leah >>> Mamarazzi

My daughter has this stuffed dog that she absolutely loves named Leah. During her rest time almost everyday she dresses Leah up in her (or her brother's!) clothes. It's cute. It's really cute. When I say she dresses her, I mean in undies and all. Well after weeks of this, I decided I wanted to remember how completely adorable this was. So, I decided for the month of March, I would photograph Leah every time I saw her clothes change. I only missed one or two changes but I absolutely love that I have these photographs to remember this sweet little stage in the life of my baby girl. Enjoy! 2015-04-08_00022015-04-08_0001



The Prince turns one >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

This family has been with me since the beginning and I am so blessed to say they have become much more than clients but also wonderful friends. I was so excited when they wanted to do their son's one year session at home just like we did their newborn session. I love these sessions because they are just so beautifully real. Being a parent is certainly not an easy job. The hours are long and tiring and we are stretched in a way we never thought possible. But the rewards are incredible. Getting to experience love and life through and with our children is truly a gift. This mama and I were talking at our session about how God so perfectly designed this season of life with little ones. The little years are such a treasure. Enjoy these precious photos with this wonderful family! 2015-04-06_00012015-04-06_00022015-04-06_00032015-04-06_00042015-04-06_00052015-04-06_00062015-04-06_00072015-04-06_00082015-04-06_00092015-04-06_00102015-04-06_00112015-04-06_00122015-04-06_00132015-04-06_00142015-04-06_0015



Campbell Family >>> Knoxville Child Photographer

A couple of weeks ago, I got to photograph these adorable cousins. We had a blast running around and even playing with some little chicks! I thought this session was the perfect way to kick off Easter weekend. Enjoy these sweet spring photographs of this family! Happy Good Friday! 2015-04-03_00012015-04-03_00022015-04-03_00032015-04-03_00042015-04-03_00052015-04-03_00062015-04-03_00072015-04-03_00082015-04-03_00092015-04-03_0010



And baby makes 5! >>> Knoxville Lifestyle Newborn Photographer

I'm so happy to share this precious newborn session with you tonight. I love sessions with siblings. It is so fun getting to see their excitement over their new baby. After I had Reid, I was telling a close friend who is a very wise and seasoned mother about how I couldn't keep the older kids off of me when I was holding Reid and I kind of just wanted to be left alone with "my" baby.  She told me that when she had her third child, she realized it was no longer just "her baby" but their family's baby. That is so true. Big brother's and sisters just want their fair share of cuddle time with "their baby" as well. :) So fun to capture this sweet family together at home with their sweet new girl. You can also see their fresh 48 hospital session here. Enjoy! 2015-03-05_00012015-03-05_00022015-03-05_00032015-03-05_00042015-03-05_00052015-03-05_00062015-03-05_00072015-03-05_00082015-03-05_00092015-03-05_00102015-03-05_00112015-03-05_0012



Jackson Family Fresh 48 Hospital Newborn session >>> Knoxville Newborn Photographer

I am completely in love with fresh 48 hospital sessions. I feel so lucky to get to preserve this incredibly special time for families. I loved getting to spend a little time with the Jackson family a little over a week ago documenting some of their early moments as a family of 4. I was so glad grandparents got to be there as well! I think it's safe to say that everyone is completely smitten with this little bundle. :) Enjoy these photos of their day! 2015-02-24_00012015-02-24_00022015-02-24_00032015-02-24_00042015-02-24_00052015-02-24_00062015-02-24_00072015-02-24_00082015-02-24_00092015-02-24_00102015-02-24_00112015-02-24_00122015-02-24_00132015-02-24_00142015-02-24_0015



Trusty Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

Mmmkay, I am still catching up on fall blog posts so I thought I'd feature one of my fav families tonight. This family  has been with me since the very beginning and I am so thankful. I have loved seeing them grow and it is always so fun to spend time with them at their sessions. I was so glad that Ellen's parents were able to come to their session. I love pictures with grandparents. Such a sweet and special bond. Enjoy! 2015-02-08_00012015-02-08_00022015-02-08_0003



Christensen Family >>> Knoxville Family Photographer

So excited to share this session tonight because it's my sis! We have been trying to get together for months to do family photos for them and it just never fails that something always came up where someone couldn't make it so we finally did it on Christmas day! I love you guys so much! Enjoy these photos of a beautiful family. :) 2015-02-05_00032015-02-05_00042015-02-05_00052015-02-05_00062015-02-05_0007



Our Beautiful Everyday: A 365 Day Project: Week 4

I just have to say, I know I'm only 4 weeks in to my 365 day project, but I am loving it. I was afraid it would feel daunting and like such a chore but instead I feel like it's breathing new life into my work and helping me document my family exactly the way I want to remember them, which is just documenting them exactly as they are. This week someone asked me if I am putting my kids up to this stuff and the answer is mostly no. Now sometimes I do ask them to do something or maybe direct their play into pretty light but for the most part, I'm keeping my camera in a central place in our home so it's handy and I can grab it when something happens. However, I have found myself saying "wait right there! Let me go get my camera!" :) Enjoy this weeks images! 2015-01-30_0001



Casey 8 Month Baby Session >>> Knoxville Baby Photographer

We had THE most beautiful weather for this January downtown family/baby milestone session last week. I seriously think this boy gets cuter each time I see him. He is all smiles. I also really love hanging out with his Mama and Daddy. It has been so fun to watch them blossom into parenthood. It suits you guys pretty well. :) Can't believe the next time I see this guy, he'll be a year old! Happy 8 Months Coop! 2015-01-29_00012015-01-29_00022015-01-29_00032015-01-29_00042015-01-29_00052015-01-29_00062015-01-29_00072015-01-29_00082015-01-29_0009
