I had so much fun at Mikaela's senior session. We started her session downtown then went to Ijams to get some more rustic, feminine shots and I just love how they turned out! This girl is completely and totally loved at our house. She has such a sweet heart and my family just loves her so much! I am so excited to share her senior session tonight on the blog. Mikaela, we are so proud of you and can't wait to see what God has in store for you as you move forward in His plan for you! Blessings on you in this super fun and exciting time in your life!
More to come from this beautiful family session tonight! I am loving these warmer temps!
I'm so happy to share this precious newborn session with you tonight. I love sessions with siblings. It is so fun getting to see their excitement over their new baby. After I had Reid, I was telling a close friend who is a very wise and seasoned mother about how I couldn't keep the older kids off of me when I was holding Reid and I kind of just wanted to be left alone with "my" baby. She told me that when she had her third child, she realized it was no longer just "her baby" but their family's baby. That is so true. Big brother's and sisters just want their fair share of cuddle time with "their baby" as well. :) So fun to capture this sweet family together at home with their sweet new girl. You can also see their fresh 48 hospital session here. Enjoy!
I am so excited to finally get to share my new heirloom albums I am offering to clients. Finally! I have wanted to offer these for so long but have gone back and forth for forever over the perfect album. I am not a sales person. Like, not at all. I will forever be all inclusive in my pricing because I always feel like my sessions tell the story of your family and I want you to have every single image! But I also want my clients to have the option to purchase beautiful professional prints and products to perfectly display the images I've created for your family. That's why every client get's an online gallery to purchase prints and canvases and now ALBUMS! Can you tell I'm excited? I mean, ya'll, they are gorgeous. They come in a variety of leathers and linens and are available with these gorgeous cutouts to display one (or 3!) of your favorite images from your session. My press printed albums are flush mounted on ultra thick pages so your images can span across the spread without being split at the spine. They are so pretty! I love having digital files to share with family and friends but in years to come, you probably aren't going to pull out your computer and go through all those files. However, you will pull an album off the shelf and cuddle up with the ones you love and flip through it remembering how little your newborn was or how funny your children were when they were toddlers or how you felt during your labor and delivery and the first time you held your baby. I think these are the perfect way to have a beautiful heirloom of your session to share with your family for years to come. I am completely in love with them. Can you tell? ha! So, have a look for yourself.
Yesterday when Reid woke up from his nap and the bigs rushed into his room as usual and started piling into his crib, I grabbed my camera and let them do what they do while I snapped away. Just wanted to share. :) Have a great weekend!
A little behind on sharing these but here's to catching up!
I am completely in love with fresh 48 hospital sessions. I feel so lucky to get to preserve this incredibly special time for families. I loved getting to spend a little time with the Jackson family a little over a week ago documenting some of their early moments as a family of 4. I was so glad grandparents got to be there as well! I think it's safe to say that everyone is completely smitten with this little bundle. :) Enjoy these photos of their day!
Last week I had the honor of photographing this beautiful family as they welcomed their newest baby into the family. Mom and Dad waited until I could get there to bring the two big sisters in to meet their new bundle. It was seriously the most precious moment. I feel like as a photographer, I am always learning more about what I love to shoot and what really makes me excited and this winter I've been doing lots of thinking on that. Over and over I keep feeling like one of the words I would use to describe the way I want my work to resonate with others is honest. I get most excited about my work when it is real, authentic and honest. Real smiles (or tears), authentic moments, honest life. Because that's what I want to remember, don't you? Don't you want to remember days like this forever just they way they really were? I am so excited to be offering these sessions now because days like these are the exact ones I want to document for my clients so that they have these incredibly beautiful moments forever. Enjoy these photographs of this wonderful family....
Here's a sweet little peek from this afternoons hospital session...
Mmmkay, I am still catching up on fall blog posts so I thought I'd feature one of my fav families tonight. This family has been with me since the very beginning and I am so thankful. I have loved seeing them grow and it is always so fun to spend time with them at their sessions. I was so glad that Ellen's parents were able to come to their session. I love pictures with grandparents. Such a sweet and special bond. Enjoy!
So excited to share this session tonight because it's my sis! We have been trying to get together for months to do family photos for them and it just never fails that something always came up where someone couldn't make it so we finally did it on Christmas day! I love you guys so much! Enjoy these photos of a beautiful family. :)
I miss photographing births so much but with a little nursing baby, I just can't right now. So, I've decided to start offering fresh 48 hospital sessions! I'll come to the hospital within 48 hours of delivery and document your family with your new little one. I also wanted to announce that I will be taking very limited birth bookings starting in August. I will only be taking 1 client every other month so be sure to let me know ASAP if interested. You can see more info on fresh 48 sessions on my pricing page here. Please email me at bethanysamsphotography@gmail.com if you have any questions.
I just have to say, I know I'm only 4 weeks in to my 365 day project, but I am loving it. I was afraid it would feel daunting and like such a chore but instead I feel like it's breathing new life into my work and helping me document my family exactly the way I want to remember them, which is just documenting them exactly as they are. This week someone asked me if I am putting my kids up to this stuff and the answer is mostly no. Now sometimes I do ask them to do something or maybe direct their play into pretty light but for the most part, I'm keeping my camera in a central place in our home so it's handy and I can grab it when something happens. However, I have found myself saying "wait right there! Let me go get my camera!" :) Enjoy this weeks images!
We had THE most beautiful weather for this January downtown family/baby milestone session last week. I seriously think this boy gets cuter each time I see him. He is all smiles. I also really love hanging out with his Mama and Daddy. It has been so fun to watch them blossom into parenthood. It suits you guys pretty well. :) Can't believe the next time I see this guy, he'll be a year old! Happy 8 Months Coop!
Reid is officially 6 months today. He is the most adorable, sweet and wonderful baby ever. I love every minute with him! We had a little photo sesh today during the big kids rest time to mark the occasion. Enjoy!