Hey hey! It’s time for our 10 on 10 monthly blog post. Look at me joining in 2 months in a row! woot! I’m really trying to get better this year about blogging my work. I love seeing it all in a collection and it’s good motivation for me to share my personal work. 2018 was such a great year for our family. It’s been the year I’ve felt the most balance and peace with homeschooling. I think that’s mostly because I decided to let go of a lot and cut back in some areas. Newsflash, you can’t do it all, well, you can’t do it all and do it well, anyways, and I want to do this thing well. I want to love my children and husband well, I want to serve in my church and community, I want to serve my clients and invest in them and that just all takes time. So, grasping that and practicing a more restful year has been really good for us. I’m looking forward to this year. So many good things on the horizon and looking forward to spending more quality time with these peeps. Happy New Year friends! Make your way around the blog circle by visiting my friend Colie’s post next.
