A few weeks ago I did something a little out of the ordinary for me…a wedding! It was lots of fun for me to step outside of my comfort zone and do something a little different. Congratulations Hunter + Amber! Thank you so much for letting me photograph this beautiful day for you. Blessings on you both and your marriage! 2014-05-08_00012014-05-08_00022014-05-08_00032014-05-08_00042014-05-08_00052014-05-08_00062014-05-08_00072014-05-08_00082014-05-08_00092014-05-08_00102014-05-08_00112014-05-08_00122014-05-08_00132014-05-08_00142014-05-08_00152014-05-08_0016